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  2. AI-Driven Identity Security


Trusted intelligence. Better security posture.

Efficiently discover and manage user access with artificial intelligence (AI)

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journey forward

Accelerate your identity security transformation with confidence. Assess the maturity of your identity capabilities.


Changing the Paradigm of Identity Governance with AI-driven Identity Security

SailPoint leverages trusted data intelligence to proactively discover, manage, and control all user access.

As a result, organizations can make better decisions faster, spot potential threats, and maintain optimized access models.

Reduction in operational cost for Identity Access Management


For new user access onboarding vs. 4 days


Cost of data breach savings from fully deployed security AI and automation


Saved by a SailPoint customer using AI



AI-driven capabilities at the core of identity security

Maximize productivity and protection with the power of AI-Driven Identity Security which includes the following components: Access Modeling, Access Insights and Access Recommendations.

Simplified role management

Use ML-generated insights to monitor and adjust user access organization-wide. Access Modeling automates role creation and automatically maintains them with wizard-based review and refinement.

Insightful identity intelligence

Transform user attributes, access history, and entitlements into actionable insights. Identity Outlier Score and Contextual Insights standardize the measurement of access anomalies across the organization. Persona-based dashboards offer the data visualization business stakeholders need to do their jobs.

Informed decision support

Get automated certification recommendations and access approvals based on peer group analysis, identity attributes and access activity for smarter and faster decisions with Access Recommendations.


Improve efficiencies with the power of AI

Make access requests efficient for your IT teams and your employees with the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Efficiently onboard and maintain access

Build accurate roles and keep them up-to-date in today’s dynamic IT environment. AI reduces manual processes and improves employee productivity.

Identify anomalies and initiate certification

Leverage insightful identity intelligence to discover access outliers and use data insights to initiate certification campaigns.

Automate access approvals

Use AI-driven insights to streamline and prioritize processes to better manage, grant and certify user access.

Customer Stories

Strengthening our customers’ identity

quote We understand that identity management means giving the right people the right access at the right time. For us to succeed, it is essential for our pivot to becoming a mobility company.

Tomas Rollo, Owner of Toyota enterprise architecture at Toyota Motors, Europe


Learn more about AI-Driven Identity Security and the SailPoint Identity Security Cloud

Demystifying Identity Security Automation

AI-driven Identity Security is the first step towards achieving autonomous identity governance. Use this guide to assess your identity capabilities and discover ways to improve your identity program.

Download the guide
AI-Driven Identity Security Brochure

Use AI-driven identity security to adapt to changing environments, boost IT productivity and stay ahead of security issues across the enterprise.

View the brochure
In the Age of Digital Acceleration, Identity Security is a C-level Strategic Imperative

Discover the obstacles for effective identity security and how AI/ML can improve your identity security posture.

View the infographic

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Find out how AI-Driven Identity Security unleashes the power of AI as the core foundation of our identity security solutions

SailPoint Identity Security Cloud

SaaS-based identity security for all identities

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SaaS-based identity security for all identities.

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Software based identity security for all identities.

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See what SailPoint Identity Security can do for your organization

Discover how our solutions enable modern enterprises today to meet the challenge of ensuring secure access to resources without compromising productivity or innovation.