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The Identity Blog

Why air conditioning (and identity security) is crucial: A cautionary tale from a Texan

The high temperatures here in Austin have been hovering at 105F / 41C for a week or two, meaning that the simple invention of air conditioning shifts from a “nice to have” to a “must have.” The irony is that despite being an essential component of houses and businesses HVAC […]

School’s out, interns are in!

Authored by Wendy Shepperd, SVP of Engineering Summer is here and that means summer internships are in session! I firmly believe that everyone should have access to and the ability to prioritize hands-on learning experiences, and that’s one of the (many) reasons I’m passionate about SailPoint’s summer internship program with […]

Multi-tenant SaaS vs. single-tenant SaaS: It matters

CISOs have one of the most challenging jobs today. Not only are they tasked with creating policy that keeps their companies safe, but they are also in charge of executing that plan which often proves to be an even bigger challenge. Why? I’ll admit one reason is the technology component. […]

Reducing risk and increasing compliance through non-employee risk management

What good is the strongest door lock if all the windows in your house are unlocked and not monitored?   Unfortunately, that’s the situation for too many organizations when it comes to lifecyle management and risk management of non-employees. For example, a recent PwC Survey found that only 40% of survey […]

Using identity to reduce the burden of managing SaaS sprawl

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions can be a huge improvement over traditional IT solutions in many ways, from cost and scalability to easier deployment and maintenance. Those benefits (and others) are helping to drive rapid growth in the SaaS market, which is projected by Gartner to top 16% in 2023.   But with […]

Password Management – The road to IT productivity 

Authored by Jerry Aubel, Senior Product Marketing Manager Think fast: what’s the most critical element of a robust Identity and Access Management strategy?  Ask any security team, and I’ll wager that their answers will be all over the map. One key element that’s sometimes overlooked is password management. But take […]

Learning the ropes: How SailPoint’s learning and development programs help crew members get ahead 

Have you ever started a job knowing exactly what to do right out of the gate? Neither have we. 😊 Even well-versed industry gurus face learning curves in new environments, from figuring out new tools to navigating company culture.   What’s better than an opportunity to learn from co-workers who’ve been […]

SailPoint products explained: June webinars

We get it. Technology and, more specifically, identity security move fast. That’s why, at SailPoint, we aim to continuously share our insights to help educate and inform the market on the latest threats and challenges facing organizations.   Whether you want to better understand how SailPoint can help your organization, […]

Voices of experience – What’s the role of a cloud-first approach to identity security?

Managing cyber security for an organization is an ongoing process that evolves as an organization’s infrastructure, applications, technology, and user base evolves.  For many organizations, cloud is an important part of that evolution. Some organizations have gone fully to the cloud with applications and data; others are still wholly on-premises, […]

It’s a good thing I’m not bitter: how easy it’d be to wreak havoc on my previous employer

Authored by Anonymous SailPoint Employee Before joining SailPoint, I worked at a B2B company for just over a decade. I loved my time there, and I still have nothing but the fondest of feelings for the organization, the people I worked with, and the work we did together there.    And, […]