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The Identity Blog

Congratulations SailPoint customer award winners!

At SailPoint, we know that when our customers succeed, we succeed. That’s why we value their stories and journeys as much as ours. Our amazing customers have always raised their hands to share their expertise and success stories. That’s why we are so excited to take a moment to celebrate […]

The power of unified identity security

Today’s identity security challenges are massively different than they were even a handful of years ago, never mind a decade or two ago. The way we work has evolved. The centrality of identities to both the enablement and security of today’s enterprise has increased significantly. The threat landscape is more […]

Identity Security: A continuous journey in the evolving digital landscape

As the saying goes, the only thing that is constant is change. For many organizations, that change can take many forms. For some, the change is enabling a work from-anywhere workforce. For others,  it is meeting new compliance standards or changing how they protect themselves from cyber risk. And for […]

Introducing SailPoint Data Access Security: Intelligently govern and secure critical data  

Authored by Eric Zimmermann, Product Marketing Manager Data is the lifeblood of modern enterprises. Think confidential customer insights, financial models, operational data, software code, trade secrets, and various other forms of sensitive intellectual property. As more data is created, shared, and stored, the potential attack surface grows – leaving companies […]

Unpacking the Horizons of Identity Security 2023-24

Authored by Jaishree Submramania, Vice President Product Marketing Historically, nautical explorers have often used the North Star as a guiding light, providing critical direction among vast and uncharted territories. Just as those explorers relied on that constant beacon, modern enterprises need a steadfast guide in the sprawling digital realm. Identity […]

Unleash the power of identity security: A guide to SailPoint Atlas

Authored by Jaishree Subramania, Vice President of Product Marketing If you’re ready to expand your identity security journey, you’ve come to the right place. The goal of this blog is to arm you with information you can use to better understand the compelling and tangible benefits of SailPoint Atlas. This […]

Introducing MySailPoint: A smarter way to discover, manage, and secure your Identity Security data 

Authored by Tyler Harman and Cameron Wilson  We are thrilled to introduce MySailPoint, the new homepage experience for our multi-tenant SaaS identity security products that allows admins to create a personalized dashboard with widgets that surface the most relevant and actionable data for their roles and goals.   SailPoint users know […]

Improve security with the principle of least privilege 

Authored by Ana Hilstad, Senior Product Marketing Manager The principle  The principle (and practice) of least privilege requires that users should be granted access only to the data and operations of applications that are absolutely needed to perform their jobs. Furthermore, users should only have the minimal amount of access, […]

Foot to the floor: what NIS2 means for your business

Authored by Steve Bradford, SVP, EMEA   In December 2022, the European Union’s updated Network and Information Security Directive, more commonly known as NIS2, came into force. This means that EU Member States will have until 17 October 2024 to put this new law into their national legislation. With just one year […]

What defines “next gen” identity security? 

Our heritage is defined by our ability to shape and reshape identity security to fit the constantly changing needs of our customers. Grady Summers laid that out clearly in his recent blog post. This is what it takes to be the leader – you’ve got to lead, you’ve got to […]