
Y’all Means All

I’ve used the term y’all my entire life. “Y’all” is the conjunction of “you all” and is an expression that is core to my identity as a sixth-generation Texan. I love the simple and assumptively inclusive nature of the word – it’s perfect in nearly every use. More recently, the phrase “y’all means all” has also become a succinct rally cry for inclusion while honoring every person’s unique identity.  

While y’all is simple, identity is a complex concept. While it may be what we do as company, it is also at the core of who we are. “Individuals” is one of our Core Values, and the individuals of our SailPoint Crew are the full foundation of our success. We know for certain that magic happens when we fuse together what we do and who we are. 

Doing so creates the space for each of our crew members to show up with their unique identities and as their most authentic selves.

As Black History Month comes to a close, we must continue to share our work on the individual side of identity as we create awareness, action, and movement towards a more diverse and inclusive workforce– not just at SailPoint but also in the technology space and in our communities more broadly.   

While we celebrate Black History Month in February, we honor and draw inspiration year-round from the incredible leaders and history makers who have persevered through decades of challenges. True change and improvement only happen with consistency. I recently read a quote – “Consistency is what transforms average into excellence.”  

This month, Mark and I shared what we’re reading with our crew during his “View from Mark” series and as part of his ongoing book club. 

I encourage you to join us in enjoying His Truth is Marching On by Jon Meacham, the story of civil rights icon and long-time United States Representative John Lewis. We chose this book because it’s impossible to read Congressman Lewis’s story and not be moved by his unique identity. We may live in a different era, but we can all learn from those who stood so firmly for what they believed in, no matter what was in front of them.

Second, in conjunction with our Notley Tide partnership, we welcomed Dr. Keffrelyn Brown and Dr. Anthony Brown, renowned professors, experts in historical knowledge about race and education, and co-founders of the Center for Innovation in Race, Teaching, and Curriculum at the University of Texas. In speaking with our team, their work educated many – I personally was moved to learn about the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, a tragedy of which I had never learned in school. They also provided insight that spurred thoughtful discussion about race and how to engage in meaningful conversations, both at work and around dinner tables with our families.    

Finally, these conversations allowed me to reflect on our All-In philosophy at SailPoint, which is simple: Everyone is important. Everyone is treated respectfully. Everyone belongs.  

In my last post, I talked about some of the things we’ve been committed to for years, plus areas where we’re amplifying or building in recent efforts, meant to support change help us all improve. We win when we do this together. Y’all means all.