
Identity Management Day 2023

I regret to inform you that by the time you read this article, you will have missed Burrito Day (and Rat Day?!). Not to worry, though, you still have Look Up at the Sky Day, Eat What You Want Day, and Axe Throwing Day.

While the celebrations for these days vary widely (and most certainly should *not* be combined), they all serve to bring their focus to the front of people’s minds. While I have my favorites (looking at you, Talk Like a Pirate Day), I’m equally pleased to remind everyone that today is Identity Management Day.

Identity has always been present in the background of cybersecurity but has only begun to become “popular” in the last five years or so. Popular, in this case, means that it is ubiquitous, automatic, and easy to use—and identity intersects every aspect of our lives.

And as identity becomes more popular, securing that identity becomes more essential for both enterprises and individuals. 84% of enterprises have suffered an identity-related breach and 97% will be making investments in identity-related security outcomes next year—underscoring the importance of identity to organizations’ security posture. And as for individuals, almost a quarter of U.S. adults have been victims of account takeovers.

It’s appropriate, then, that identity should have a day dedicated to highlighting how to best use identity for the good of our organizations, our families, and our lives. A day in which we discuss not only best practices and priorities but also highlight emerging technologies and approaches that will continue to drive identity to become more popular—more ubiquitous, automatic, and easy to use for everyone.

One key way to do this is to attend Identity Management Day, a free virtual conference hosted by the Identity Defined Security Alliance and the National Cybersecurity Alliance. Take part in the discussions online, hear about emerging identity concepts and standards, and take something new back to your organization and family.

Not able to join Identity Management Day? We’ve got you covered. SailPoint is coming to a city near you. Sign up for one of our half-day, Identity Day: Horizons of identity security workshops. By attending these interactive workshops, you will discover the five Horizons of identity security, assess the maturity of your organization’s identity programs, and identify gaps to start your identity security transformation. There will be opportunities to hear best practices from your peers and partners and engage in a business value assessment discussion. Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your security posture and resilience as you advance through your identity journey.