
Does your Cloud IaaS Environment resemble the Wild Wild West? You’re not alone.

Many organizations are riding the digital transformation Quarter horse and moving their business applications and infrastructure to the cloud. However, this has become more like a Lewis and Clark expedition. We are finding organizations are quick to make this move but are skipping a fundamental step of first considering what processes and procedures should be put in place before transitioning their workloads to the cloud. There’s uncertainty and at times a naivety about how to control their ever-growing cloud infrastructure. As a result, cloud platforms and production environments have become the “Wild Wild West”. However, with an onslaught of new applications, services, and data, organizations are finally starting to realize the importance of governing access to ensure their cloud security is not compromised to the outlaws.

A fundamental truth to governance is you can’t govern what you can’t see. Lack of visibility is the number one challenge that comes through loud and clear when it comes to these burgeoning cloud resources. In the cloud, however, paths to access are not as simple as membership in a group.  Organizations need to go beyond knowing who has access. They need to understand how that access is being provided and used.

This would be challenging enough if the scope was limited to just one cloud vendor platform.   However, 78% of organizations have two or more cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform in use. Managing these in silos proves to be inefficient and without a comprehensive view of access across all these platforms, can lead to undetected security risks. 

Even if you could wave a magic wand and have complete visibility and access information, you’ll quickly face the next cloud governance challenges—constant change and unmanageable volume. From a governance perspective, an organization cannot effectively govern their cloud environments solely relying upon human-based, manual efforts alone. With so much rapid change occurring, this requires a holistic, automated AI-based approach.    

Imagine a single solution to view all of your instances and workloads across multiple cloud platforms, where access to cloud resources is automatically discovered and governed in a visually interactive format.   An intelligent set of policy guardrails that will automatically alert you when violations are detected.  The ability to proactively protect both privileged and non-privileged accounts by securing credentials.  All of this with no extra software to install in your target environments, no custom scripting required and integrated with your existing identity governance strategy.

With our recent introduction of SailPoint Cloud Governance, we are delivering on our vision to discover, protect and govern all your cloud platforms and resources. Together with the taming power of AI you can monitor and secure access without slowing down your business.  And best of all avoid the likes of Jesse James and Billy the Kid while bringing order back to your cloud environments.

Interested in learning more about cloud governance? Register for our upcoming Rethink Identity webinar and find out how you can: