
Roping in identity security threats with SailPoint solutions 

I love the rodeo. I said it. I love everything about the rodeo. From the livestock shows to the food vendors, the shopping, the concerts, and especially the rodeo events. Every year, as soon as my family gets our tickets, it feels like Christmas has come early, and I start counting down the days until we go. While I love the rodeo, I am also amazed by it. Every night for about three weeks, this large event will have thousands of people attend. Every night there are different competitors, animals, and even musical talent. When you stop to think about it, it is truly impressive how all these different people work and interact worldwide (I counted about half a dozen competitors from other countries last time we went.)

Now, being the identity security nerd I am, I can’t help but think about how many groups are involved in pulling off an event of this scale. At the rodeo, you have everyone from the people who are managing the rodeo (employees), volunteers who help during the event (contractors/volunteers), food and game vendors (vendors/suppliers), competitors (affiliates), and even emergency services personal (service providers). Each of these groups, and more, are needed to put on the rodeo. But they are all different types of identities with varying relationships with the rodeo, from what they can access to where they are needed. Managing each group is unique, but the level of support and oversight does not change.   

To me, this is what identity security is about for organizations and why every identity is critical and every level of access must be governed. This isn’t a rodeo-specific instance; more and more organizations are being tasked with securing various types of identities across multiple environments.  To help companies secure access to their critical resources while improving operational efficiencies across different groups, SailPoint is launching a few new solutions: 

Through these new solutions, organizations can grow the number of identities they govern and secure more resources while maintaining the highest level of operational efficiencies. And, just like the rodeo, these organizations are in a world where the show must go on. So, grab your boots, put on your cowboy hat, and polish that belt buckle because it is rodeo time! 

To learn more about these and other SailPoint solutions, come see us at Gartner IAM booth #409 and say Howdy!