
Navigate After Hours: Mistaken Identity

David Lee and Mike Kiser take you “live” to Navigate 2019 in beautiful Austin, TX in this very special episode of Mistaken Identity. Dr. Jen Golbeck explores the ethical issues that we face as we seek to employ algorithms and identity, VP of Product Management Rick Weinberg discusses the future of predictive identity, and SVP of Software Mike Siegel lays out a strategy for being an identity advocate in your organization. The episode wraps up with a description of what the Golden State Warriors can do to avoid an NBA Finals loss to the Toronto Raptors. (Spoiler alert: basically not much — congrats, Canada!)

As a final note — your ears do not deceive you — we’re in the process of upgrading our podcasting equipment: so sit back and enjoy an enhanced version of the dulcet, silky tones of David’s sonorous voice (and endure Mike’s helium-inspired staccato as well).