
KuppingerCole reviews SailPoint’s Non-Employee Risk Management solution 

Authored by Mike Conti, Product Marketing Manager

Leonardo da Vinci once said, “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”   

So, when KuppingerCole’s Executive View report stated that SailPoint’s Non-Employee Risk Management is “…a simple package that does a good job of managing non-employee identities”, we were ecstatic.   

Why? Simplicity wins in the long run. There’s already too much complexity in identity, especially when it comes to third-party non-employee identity governance.      

Take onboarding a new non-employee, which often involves HR, IT, an internal project manager acting as the non-employee sponsor, an external sponsor from the third-party itself, as well as the non-employee. It’s much more complicated than onboarding a regular employee. For most organizations, it’s a wildly inefficient process and leads to a lack of visibility that spirals quickly.   

Many organizations can’t tell you the number of non-employee identities they manage. They don’t know which non-employees have access to what. They struggle with duplicate accounts, shared accounts, overprovisioned access, orphans, and painful audits.   

To put it simply, organizations have lacked a solution that’s built for non-employees.   

But with SailPoint Non-Employee Risk Management, that all changes. According to the KuppingerCole report, the solution’s “…delegation tools increase efficiency and remove some of the onboarding chores associated with third-party identities. At the same time, it uses tried-and-tested SailPoint technology to keep ultimate control of non-employee access with sponsor organizations.”   

The report also states: “Importantly, the SailPoint Non-Employee Risk Management solution enables administrators to manage full identity lifecycles rather than simply manage authentication.” The solution enables organizations to increase operational efficiency while managing their organization’s complex relationships with non-employees in an easy-to-use application that simultaneously helps facilitate commercial initiatives, supports regulatory compliance, and reduces third-party risk.    

A core SailPoint belief is that we must meet organizations where they are. No matter their environment, no matter how complex. The reality is organizations are dependent on non-employees – according to a hiring data report, the ratio of contractors per employee has increased by 48% since 2017. With Non-Employee Risk Management, SailPoint is meeting organizations’ extended enterprises to match the shape and speed of business today.  

It’s simple: our commitment to our customers is why SailPoint continues to push the boundaries in identity innovation, facing the next frontiers in identity head-on, and ensuring our customers are on the right path toward identity excellence. 

If you’re interested in seeing Non-Employee Risk Management yourself, join us at Navigate or request a live demo.