
Guararapes, Netbr and SailPoint Bring Identity Security to Life

Developing programming and coding technologies. Website design. Cyber space concept.

Grupo Guararapes is the largest fashion group in Brazil and the parent company of the Lojas Riachuelo retail chain. Riachuelo has more than 38 thousand employees and 315 stores across Brazil. With distributed systems, complex data repositories, fixed and temporary workers, and thousands of privileged credentials, the Guararapes Group needed to ensure strong identity security and onboarding policies for all Riachuelo employees. Their successful identity project came to life through the Group’s Security Information team, with consultancy support from Netbr and identity technology from SailPoint. 

This partnership resulted in a completely new identity security architecture. As a result, the companies of Grupo Guararapes were able to increase application security, streamline access to data and business tools, and improve the end-user experience. The platform also made it possible to automate processes for enabling employees throughout their employment as they join, change, and leave the organization. 

Rodrigo Franco de Godoi, Head of Information Security and Cyber Security at Lojas Riachuelo, commented on the advantages he saw from an onboarding perspective. “With standardized kits, the wait for an employee to have their credentials and access the network’s resources is now done in a few minutes. Before the project, it took an average of four days.” 

In the video below, you’ll learn more about Grupo Guararapes and Riachuelo’s identity program and their strategy for governance and compliance for the future. Check it out!