
Charting Uncharted Waters: The Challenges of Governing Access to Unstructured Data

In the first installment of “Charting Uncharted Waters” we discussed the impact unstructured data is having on identity governance program teams as sensitive data quickly escapes from applications and platforms and comes to reside in a wide-range of file storage systems. In this installment, I will dive “under the water” to help chart some of the key challenges to consider as you plot your strategy to calm the seas of governing access to unstructured data stored in files.

Let’s start by outlining the primary reasons that governance of unstructured data access requires a different approach to governing access to traditional applications and platforms:

Protecting sensitive data stored in files is quickly becoming one of the top priorities for organizations of any size. One of the most effective ways to ensure unstructured data in all of its various forms (e.g., spreadsheets and documents) and all of its dispersed locations (e.g., files shares and cloud storage systems) is only viewed by authorized users is to govern access to it. And that means identity teams must step up and begin to chart a course which includes governing access to file storage systems – whether those systems are on-premises in the data center or in the cloud. By helping your organization to take a comprehensive approach to governing access to applications, platforms, and file storage systems, you will reduce the risk of breach, while helping to accelerate collaboration in the business.

In the next installment of Charting Uncharted Waters, we will come back above the surface and explore some of the innovative approaches being delivered by SailPoint in the area of governing access to files and the unstructured data they contain.

For even more insight into the barriers organizations face in addressing their unstructured data, you can read our recent white paper, “Securing Access to Files with Identity Governance.”