
Welcome to the crew: SailPoint engineering in Mexico

Authored by Raul Carbajal, Director of Engineering

At SailPoint, we know that when the crew comes together, magic and fun is bound to happen. That’s exactly what we hoped for during our engineering event in June and the team wasn’t disappointed.

Members of the SailPoint crew traveled to Mexico to meet and welcome its new 43 crew members at the SailPoint Mexico office. This gathering was aimed at celebrating and welcoming new engineers in Polanco, Mexico. 

The week started with the meticulous logistical planning required for a remote company like ours in Mexico. It’s no small feat to book flights and finding accommodations for 40 people from various locations across Mexico (Guadalajara, Monterrey, Aguascalientes, Puebla, Guanajuato, Queretaro, etc.)—but worth it! Additionally, we needed to secure a venue for hosting meetings, a restaurant capable of accommodating 70 people, and a foundation that could welcome numerous volunteers. With the logistics handled, the magic of the event unfolded.  

The first full day of the trip, we gathered at the WeWork in Montes Urales, Polanco, at 9 a.m. From there, the crew split into two groups: One group participated in a volunteer event at “Fundacion Casa de las Mercedes” and the second group stayed behind with Jenni West, director of business operations, SailPoint, and Ashly Turner, global new crew onboarding program manager, SailPoint, for an incredible presentation on SailPoint and its Four core values. They also facilitated engaging team-building games. Later, the groups swapped activities.  

Those who volunteered at “Fundacion Casa de las Mercedes” had the privilege of spending time with girls between the ages of 1-15 who have faced challenging circumstances. They shared Happy Meals, broke piñatas, danced and played. The foundation enlightened us about their efforts to provide education, housing, and food for these girls, sharing some heart-wrenching stories. It was great to be hands-on with the foundation and also a good reminder of how important it is to give back to the community. This is one thing I love about SailPoint: the company’s commitment to philanthropy. SailPoint Gives Foundation is dedicated to making a difference in communities across the globe. It was great to see how the foundation’s contribution would make a difference to both centers of “Casa de las Mercedes.”  

In the evening, we all came together for an enjoyable (and humorous) dinner at Parole, a delightful Italian restaurant in the heart of Polanco. It was a fantastic opportunity to interact with team members, including those from SailPoint’s professional services team, in a more casual setting. We even discovered some incredible dancers among us.  

The next day, we reconvened at WeWork, where crew members had the chance to have one-on-one meetings with visiting engineering managers. These meetings provided a platform to discuss various projects, offer feedback on the onboarding experience, and establish personal connections. By noon, it was time to bid farewell and head back home.  

I took many things from this trip but, one valuable lesson I learned from this incredible experience is that remote work can be successful when everyone finds ways to engage with their teammates personally. I feel honored and proud to be a part of SailPoint and the team we build in Mexico. 

Ready to take the next step in your career? Become a part of the SailPoint crew today!