
SailPoint Executive Book Club: Juliette Rizkallah, CMO

We all live busy lives and sometimes lose sight of the importance of reading books. Regardless of the genre reading is crucial to improve our thoughts, grammar and knowledge. Professional growth books can aid us in being confident in professional discussions and provide important insights into career development. With so many options out there, we wanted to share a few favorites that the SailPoint executives have read. Each blog post in this series will feature an executive and their book recommendations. We want to encourage you to read a different book each month and reflect on any changes you see in your life. This week, we get started with one great book suggestion from our CMO, Juliette Rizkallah!

Juliette Rizkallah, Chief Marketing Officer

The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eli Goldratt and Jason Cox

Juliette read this book for an assignment while pursuing her MBA at Harvard University.  While reading this book something clicked with her – the fact that pursuing a goal necessitates more than one breakthrough, it requires many. She later found this to be true throughout her entire career. She resonated with the main character who she felt embodied the ultimate professional – someone who views work as more than just a job but for whom work is personal.