
Identity is Security: Cybersecurity Hamster Wheel

Throwing money at a problem, most any problem, usually won’t fix it. Especially when it comes to cybersecurity, that’s why this headline caught my attention this week: Too many tools and services can cause confusion and prove a waste of cybersecurity budget. And this is for a good reason. You are not going to fix all of your cybersecurity woes with a surge in hires, employee training, or an excess of hundreds of tools or more. Why? Well, humans always make errors. Always. Even though it is important to hire skilled people, provide training, and look for the best tools, it is equally important to realize that one of the best ways to enhance how you protect all of your sensitive business applications and data is by accepting a little bit of help along the way. In this case, I’m talking about artificial intelligence and machine learning.  Tooting our own horn here a bit, but the notion is timely given our announcement earlier this week around SailPoint Predictive Identity. SailPoint Predictive Identity is built on big data and machine learning (ML) technology, enabling an AI-driven approach to identity governance. The goal here is to be less reactive and to become more predictive and autonomous when it comes to your identity and security program. This is a huge leap forward for identity and while it sounds like a foreign concept, the idea that identity can be more autonomous, adaptive and continuous, it’s not. This is the new world of identity and we’re proud to be driving the next generation of identity forward for our customers.

Speaking of repeating the same mistakes over and over again, British firms still don’t have cyber resiliency plans in place, despite knowing an email attack is imminent. Latest reports from Vanson Bourne found most IT decision makers expect a serious cybersecurity incident at their company, yet they’re not doing much about it, despite it being a central part of GDPR. Last week, we discussed the implications of GDPR and how organizations are faring under Europe’s data privacy regulation. With a reported 60,000+ breach notifications in one year alone, it is critical organizations do some spring cleaning to realign their priorities when it comes to cybersecurity. So, hop off that cybersecurity hamster wheel of doom (it doesn’t have to be that way) and look at the ways you can freshen up your approach to your cyber ‘house’ with six big ideas for an identity management spring cleaning.

Finally, as this week comes to a close, I leave you with this incredible video we did to highlight our big announcement this week: SailPoint Predictive Identity. If you’re a visual learner, this is a fantastic (and fun) way to start to see what we mean by the ‘future’ of identity.

And with that, I want to know: what did you read in cybersecurity news this week?