
Get Registered for our Annual Federal Identity Forum!

Save the date for our second annual Federal Identity Governance Forum,! Join SailPoint for this free event on December 11 in Washington D.C. to hear leading experts across federal and defense agencies, along with industry leaders, share identity governance best practices, lessons learned and advice for extending your identity governance program into 2019 and beyond.

A few things you can look forward to:

• Jeremy Grant, Former NIST Senior Executive Advisor for Identity Management will deliver the keynote address. Jeremy will discuss how identity governance has become central to modernizing information technology to achieve security and efficiency goals.

• SailPoint’s very own CISO and CTO, Darran Rolls will talk about how the management of identities, entitlements and privileges continue to be among the top concerns for federal cyber initiatives and how identity-related activities are needed to protect sensitive information and resources across the federal government, as new policies, frameworks, and standards are defined.

At, you’ll discover how modern, comprehensive and intelligent identity governance enables federal agencies to efficiently and effectively manage all users and their access to applications and data, neutralizing insider threats and improving overall security posture. We hope you’ll join us in DC on December 11th! Register here.